Question 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Question 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Question 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Question 4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Question 5

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Next Step

Are You Tired of Your Joints Keeping You on The Sidelines of Life?

Groundbreaking research into the root causes of age or activity-related joint discomfort & stiffness has uncovered a solution that could have you active and out there doing the things you love... 

From the Desk of Dr. Neil Levin - Chiropractor

Tell me if this sometimes describes your day...

You wake up, try to move, and your joints are already giving you trouble...

Even taking it slow, your knees 
pop and creak with the effort of getting out of bed.

When you finally can get moving, you shamble off to the kitchen for some coffee — but reaching into the cabinet for a mug makes your shoulder 
complain like a cranky old man

You’re all dealing with the same thing — good joints gone bad.

aches... the stiffness... it’s enough to drive you crazy.

It turns doing the things you love to do... the things you must do... Into a chore.

Simple things — like taking the dog for a walk or putting on your clothes...

Important things
– like sitting at your desk and working a full day... or getting in and out of the car while you struggle through your errands...

Working — playing — resting...
 You dread it all because your joints are not what they used to be.

You think you’ve tried everything...

Anti-inflammatories... heat therapy... ice packs... turmeric... essential oils... and of course, a trip to the doctor...

But you haven’t tried everything.

There’s still something left to try.

Something that will get you the relief your joints need.

A solution 
backed by clinical studies.

A thing that can get you your life back...

Hi – I’m Doctor Neil Levin – one of those types of doctors you probably visited because of your joints.

And what do nearly all of them have in common?

The same thing as you — 
worn out joint cartilage.

You’ve probably heard about joint cartilage... 

I’m going to go into what makes a healthy joint...

And how your cartilage plays the key, crucial role in 
joint comfort, flexibility, and mobility

But first — we need to look at why your joints are so bad

Your lifestyle has brought your joints to where they are today.

This is not about casting blame – you didn’t do anything wrong.

You lived your life. We’ve all lived our lives.

Some people won the joint lottery and never have an issue.

But for the lion’s share of us... Well, our joints did not have those winning numbers.

1. You Spend Too Much Time Sitting

Sure — sitting is hard to avoid. Especially if you work behind a desk or have a long commute.

But this constant daily sitting can weaken the muscles surrounding the joints, leading to poor joint support and ultimately joint pain and stiffness.

I tell my patients that they need to build breaks into their day to get up and stretch. To move their knees, shoulders, neck, and lower back.

It doesn’t have to be anything radical.

You don’t need to break out a yoga mat, plop down in the aisle next to your co-worker’s desk and go through a bunch of yoga poses.

But don’t think that the twice-a-day trip to the bathroom counts either.

You need to get up out of your chair and stretch with purpose.

Work your way from the top of your body down to your feet – Yes, I said your feet – and make sure you move every major joint cluster.

Taking some time each day to significantly change your working posture will naturally stretch out your joints, allowing blood to circulate into the joint matrix.

But whether you work while sitting or standing, you are going to quickly run into #2 on our worst things you can do for your joints list:

2. Bad Posture

Slouching while you are sitting can be a killer for your joints.

It misaligns your neck, your upper back, and your shoulders.

Plus, it puts pressure on your lower back – over-extending it for long periods of time – misaligning the discs.

And slouching is not just a problem for people working at a desk.

Bad posture while you are standing can also do a number on your joints.

It can misalign your knees, your ankles, and your hips – putting stress on your joints and causing the cartilage to wear down at a rate that accelerates discomfort, wrecks your flexibility, and drives down your mobility.

So, what can you do about bad posture?

And make sure that your monitor is at the right height so that you keep your neck straight while looking at the screen.

As for standing – plant your feet about shoulder width apart – and keep your shoulders back so your spine stays aligned properly.

3. Overdoing High-Impact Activities

I’m talking about jogging, running, jumping… But even hiking can be high-impact – and so can things like tennis – and even some forms of aerobics.

And, of course, any kind of contact sport or work activity where you get banged around.

Look – I am never going to tell you not to get the proper amount of exercise.

But the emphasis is on the words “proper amount.”

This is where athletes – especially young athletes – can overdo it.

They train and train and then over train.

This might help you prep for the big game or make you feel like you’re doing something great for your cardiovascular system – and maybe some weight loss.

It may make you think you’re going to build muscle faster.

But it takes a toll on your joints – especially your joint cartilage.

I could do a whole series on the dangers of over-training – especially when it comes to high impact activities and routines.

So, don’t overdo it. Push yourself, sure. But be mindful of what your body is telling you.

No pain, no gain might rhyme – but it’s a sure-fire way to break down your cartilage and do lasting damage to your joints.

Which brings us to #4.

4. Joint Overuse

Yes – just like high-impact activities can wear down your joint cartilage, daily overuse of your joints can break down the cartilage as well.

Ever heard of repetitive stress injuries?

It’s simple:

5. Natural Aging

We are all going to get older – unless tragedy strikes.

And age... Well, the march of Father Time means your body is going to naturally begin to break down.

And that is especially true of your joints.

6. Excess Body Weight

Let’s face it – most people can stand to lose a few pounds.

And it might not seem like those “few” are doing a number on your joints – but they are.

And if you need to lose more than just a few...

Well, that means your joints have been under severe stress for far too long.

Excess weight puts extra pressure on your joints, especially in the knees, hips and both the upper and lower back — which can lead to joint pain and damage to your joint cartilage.

I cannot emphasize this enough:

Get your body to the proper weight.

But don’t do it with fad diets or starvation or anything radical.

Losing weight means changing your habits.

And one habit you can change is how you treat your joints.

Which brings us to my #1 secret that can help save your joints...

It’s not a weight loss product.

And this one thing is not a medical device.

You’ve probably seen plenty of ads for those fancy — and expensive — knee massagers. This is not that. Those have their purpose — but they are a pain to use. You have to wear a big bulky machine on your knee — you can only do one knee at a time — 
and they do nothing for your other joints.

Let’s take a closer look at the importance of joint cartilage.

Cartilage health plays a crucial role in joint comfort.

Cartilage is a type of connective tissue that covers the ends of your bones inside the joint matrix,

Cartilage also acts as a shock absorber, cushioning your joints and preventing the bones from grinding against each other.

When your cartilage is healthy, it is smooth and flexible, reducing the friction between the bones.

But when one or more of those 6 things that destroy your joints kicks in, it causes your cartilage to break down.

As cartilage deteriorates, the bones in the joint may start to rub against each other, causing friction and inflammation. And when that starts happening, the process of joint breakdown accelerates — slowing you down as it picks up the pace.

It’s essential to maintain good cartilage...

Plus, your joints depend on the strength of the surrounding tendons and ligaments — the other connective tissue that keeps your joints moving smoothly.

Connective tissue strength plays a significant role in joint health. 

If the connective tissue is weak, it can lead to instability inside the joint.

Furthermore, connective tissue also plays a critical role in 
the healing process of your already damaged joints.

Strong connective tissue can better withstand the stress of daily use
, allowing your joints to recover more effectively.

But how do you keep your cartilage and your connective tissue strong and healthy?

And how do you grow joint cartilage?
Oh wait — have you been told that you can’t grow new joint cartilage?

That there is no way to bolster worn out cartilage once age and overuse have taken its toll?

Well, what you’ve read — what you’ve heard — is wrong.

I’m here to tell you that you can grow joint cartilage.

Yes – you heard me correctly:

You can refresh worn out joint cartilage!

This JointGel® is working incredibly. I have been using it for maybe two years. I teach Aikido. There is a set of katas that I had not been able to do for maybe as long as 10 years. But I can go through the set now, repeating each kata four times. My knees are stretching out again... It’s like time going backwards.”


Male, 40s

And you can do it with JointGel®...

Now, before you say “No way can you rejuvenate your joint cartilage... No way can you get back the comfort and mobility you used to enjoy...” Well, listen to what other JointGel® users are saying:

How does JointGel® work?

Those a real people using JointGel® who are seeing real results… More joint comfort, more flexibility, and more of doing the things they love – without their joints telling them “No!”

How does it get people up and moving again?

It does it with a combination of two clinically studied ingredients:

One to grow fresh joint cartilage...*

And one to support and strengthen connective tissue. *

Yes – I said grow fresh Joint Cartilage.

At the heart of JointGel® is an amazing ingredient we call CGM-5000™.

“CGM” stands for Cartilage Growth Matrix — because that’s what this ingredient does – it grows cartilage inside your joint matrix.*

Scientifically speaking, CGM-5000™ is a unique Bioactive Collagen Peptide.

Yes – I said collagen.

But before you run out or go online to order the cheapest collagen powder you can find – well, don’t waste your time.

Not every form of collagen will rejuvenate your joint cartilage.

Sure — there are collagens out there that can give you some small measure of joint comfort. But really, most of them just help your skin look nice.

There are so many forms of collagen — but to grow joint cartilage, you need this specific bioactive collagen peptide.

The CGM-5000™ bioactive collagen peptide.

That’s right – JointGel® really works!

And we have the study data right here to back it up.

Here is an MRI from an early animal study on the CGM-5000™ Cartilage Growth Matrix.

Now don’t worry – I’ll show you the human study in a minute.

At the time, we called CGM-5000™ by the name “Fortigel” but decided to change it later on.

But – as you can see from this MRI...

On the right, the MRI shows how the CGM-5000™ Cartilage Growth Matrix has gone to work growing new, refreshed, revitalized cartilage!

Now – to be clear...

JointGel® is not a pill...
And it is not a cream you rub on your joints.

But it does take less than a minute to use every day...

JointGel® is a simple powder you mix up in a glass of cold water and drink down once a day.

It has a delicious berry flavor.

No sugar. 

No artificial sweeteners.

It’s flavored with Stevia, fruit powders, and natural berry flavors.

We made JointGel® a powder because we found that to be the most convenient delivery system for the ingredients.

After all – who wants to take a handful of horse pills every morning?

JointGel® mixes up smoothly – tastes great – and there’s no special equipment needed or messy clean-up.

The green is the good stuff – healthy cartilage.

Now, if you look at what happened with the people who took the placebo... Over the course of time, the red areas grew.

But in the group that used the Cartilage Growth Matrix in JointGel®...

You will feel more joint comfort before you finish your first 30-day bottle...*

It takes about 3 weeks for that increase in comfort to be noticeable.

That’s because the Cartilage Growth Matrix – and that second ingredient I’m going to tell you about – have already gone to work inside your joints, stimulating cartilage growth and strengthening the surrounding connective tissue.

Will you be running a marathon after the first month of using JointGel®?

No. But you will begin to feel more comfortable.

And increased joint comfort means increased activity.

So, while you might not go for a 10-mile bike ride yet, you will be able to get through your daily routine with more comfort.

I tell my patients: that first bottle of JointGel® is a tool.

You’ll still be coming in to see me – but our sessions will begin to get easier. You’ll leave my office feeling better every time – and you will see more progress than before.

Now that second bottle of JointGel®? The one that takes you through week 8 of growing fresh joint cartilage?

That’s where my patients come in thinking I’m a wizard!

I can start to do more with them on each visit because their joints have experienced enough cartilage growth to make them even more flexible... more comfortable... and more active.

Some of my patients even start telling me they’ve returned to their regular exercise routines.

And by month 3 using JointGel®?

Well, let’s just say I start to get some openings in my schedule.

Now, to be clear:

You do not need to be seeing a chiropractor or any other doctor to get JointGel®. 

You do not need to be under a doctor’s care to use JointGel®.

It is available without a prescription.

JointGel® is not a drug.
 It is a nutritional supplement.

And it is available directly to you.

I’ll tell you how to order your own supply of JointGel in a moment. It’s easy to do. And we ship it right to your door.

But first, let’s get back to the science of healthy joint cartilage.

So – I know I’ve told you a lot about CGM-5000™, the cartilage growth matrix that gets inside your joints and stimulate collagen synthesis – leading to revitalized and rejuvenated cartilage.

But JointGel® is so much more than the CGM-5000 Cartilage Growth Matrix.

JointGel™ also contains a clinically studied dose of OptiMSM®...

You see those bands of muscle-like fibers connecting each section of the joint matrix?

That’s your connective tissue.

It is vital that this connective tissue be strong and flexible.

Strong and flexible connective tissue means more joint comfort – and – you guessed it – greater flexibility.

And that means you can move more – be more active – and really get back to the life you love.

That’s the secret to JointGel®...

We go beyond cartilage growth to support the entire joint matrix.

OptiMSM® is a powerful form of bioavailable sulfur.

Okay – sulfur... not the most attractive sounding ingredient in the world.

But trust me – you will not taste sulfur when you use JointGel®. Just that delicious berry flavor.

So, why do we put OptiMSM® into JointGel®?

Well, as we learned earlier – cartilage is a form of connective tissue – and OptiMSM® is clinically shown to bolster connective tissue!*

Look here inside the joint matrix...

This is nutrition for your joints.

Not a quick fix – those never work.

Not a temporary band-aid – who wants a temporary fix?

You’re here to get more comfortable joints.

You want to get active again.

You want to get out of bed in the morning and enjoy the day.

You want to reach into the back of the cupboard and grab your favorite mug.

You want to bend down in the yard and plant some new flowers.

You want to go for a jog, get on the exercise bike, and take your spouse dancing.

JointGel® is not a miracle powder, but it can go a long way to helping you achieve these goals.

In fact – I guarantee JointGel® will work for you, or you will get your money back.

We’ll even give you 60 days to try JointGel®.

That’s 2 months’ worth of JointGel®!

I tell my patients who have cartilage issues – “You need to try JointGel®.”

And I’m telling you that also – you need to try JointGel®.


1-month supply



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† - Dr. Neil Levin has provided a paid endorsement for Purity Products. Results may vary and are based on consistent use.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary from person to person. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional.

As a chiropractor with nearly 30 years of experience, I’ve seen thousands of patients just like you.

People who have joint problems — and not just in their backs — but in their knees, shoulders, necks, hands... even down to their ankles and toes.

Unless you suffered a sudden injury, your joints did not get to where they are now overnight.

And this one – well, you can’t avoid it.

In fact – you don’t want to avoid it because the alternative is much worse...


And after struggling through making breakfast — after spending your entire meal thinking about how your morning has already been filled with aches — you go to get dressed and your fingers fumble stiffly across the buttons on your shirt.

It’s not even 8 am and you’re already thinking about giving up... 
All because of your joints.

Your knees make popping sounds...

Your shoulder feels like it’s ready to go back to bed...

And your hips? Well, let’s just say dancing is not high on your list anymore.

And if you think this only applies to old people, think again...

Young athletes experience it...

Middle-aged construction workers deal with it...

Office workers behind a desk... moms in their gardens...

Even the guy next to you at the grocery store...

What I’m about to share with you is so easy to do, it literally takes less than 1 minute a day!

And it positively affects every joint in your body...

Because every joint in your body has cartilage!

But first — I keep bringing up cartilage — along with the entire joint matrix: the physical makeup of your joints that includes cartilage, bone, muscle, and connective tissue.

So, before I get to the 1 thing you can do every day...

That one thing that takes less than a minute and can change your life forever when it comes to joint comfort, flexibility, and mobility...

It creates a smooth surface for the connected bones to glide over each other as you move.

These ligaments and tendons support and stabilize your joints, helping to hold the bones and muscles together.

The strength and flexibility of these tissues are 
critical for maintaining proper joint alignment, preventing injury, and reducing stress on the joint.

I love JointGel®. My knee actually feels so much better and now it moves with ease.”


Female, 40s

I spent a few hundred dollars on other products with no success. Then I came across JointGel® and figured I would give it a try. My Doctor said whatever I'm doing, keep it up. JointGel® is awesome!”


Male, 40s

The CGM-5000™ Cartilage growth matrix was specifically designed to stimulate collagen synthesis inside the joint matrix.*

new collagen created inside your joints then bonds with the surrounding cartilage – and forms new cartilage.

The CGM-5000™ Cartilage Growth Matrix inside JointGel® works!


So, before we get into the research I mentioned earlier – that research that led to a solution for supporting and maintaining your joint comfort and mobility– we need to look at how we got to where we are.

Plus, what you can do to help yourself avoid and overcome these things in the future.

A little trick is to put your hands behind your back. This will bring your shoulder into alignment.

When you are mindful of your posture, you can take a lot of pressure off your joints.

Now – the next 2 things that can kill your joints are related.

Repetitive use of any joint can cause damage to the cartilage, tendons, and ligaments that support it, leading to joint discomfort and stiffness.

So, like I said with high-impact activities – the same rule applies to joint overuse:

Be mindful of what you are doing – and listen to your body.

Give your joints a break, before you “break” your joints.

And that brings us to #5.

What's The Secret?

I have been taking JointGel® for almost a month and I can definitely tell the difference. I can do more activities with less discomfort in my knees. I wish I had tried this last summer when I was biking a lot.”


Female, 60s


Male, 40s

JointGel® was the best decision for me. It has helped my knees tremendously. I’ve tried many different joint products – but I highly recommend this one.”


Male, 70s

I’m 72 years old. My joints were really bad. I was having trouble getting up from my couch... But, after 3 months with JointGel®, I’ve seen improvement. JointGel® really works!”

Well, while you’re sitting, it’s important to think about right angles.

Remember learning about right angles in geometry class?

That’s when one side of an object is in a 90-degree relationship with the connected side.

What that means when it comes to posture is you plant your feet on the floor so that your knees and lower legs form a right angle with your thighs.

Then you keep your back straight against the chair, so your torso forms a right angle with your hips.

And finally, your desk and chair should be at the proper height so your arms can bend at the elbow at a right angle.

You get the clinically studied form of bioactive collagen peptides – plus a second powerful active ingredient I’ll tell you about in a moment.

But first, let’s look at another MRI that shows the power of the Cartilage Growth Matrix in JointGel®the one from the human study I said we would look at.

That’s where the cartilage grew and became fuller, and more solid as represented by the increase in green here on the MRI.

Now – I know you can see on the MRI that the clinical study was done over the course of 48 weeks.

That sounds like a lot of time. I admit that.

But hey – like Rome – cartilage is not built in a day.

After all – most cartilage issues took time to develop – and it will take time to grow new joint cartilage.

That’s the reality of science and biology.

Anyone out there promising to reinvigorate your joint cartilage overnight is selling you some magic pixie dust. It just doesn’t exist. It just cannot be done.

But I can tell you this – I’ll tell you what I say to my patients who use JointGel®:

As we age, the cartilage that cushions our joints can wear down, leading to joint pain, stiffness, and a serious lack of flexibility and even a loss of mobility.

We can’t stop our bodies from aging...

But if you are mindful of the other things on this list that are killing your joints, you can make aging less of a factor for your joint health.

Which brings us to #6...

So, do yourself – and your body – a favor and try JointGel®.

There’s nothing to lose – and a lot to gain.

So, let’s get growing...

Cartilage growing!

And you can do it today by choosing to give your cartilage what it needs: JointGel®!